A road sign. Representing ministers diaries because, er, just read the article!
A high court ruling has stated that ministers diaries must be released to the public.

But instead of insights into dodgy business meetings and time spent with lobbyists, most are filled with teenage angst.

Michael Gove's diary from his time as education secretary reads:

'Today I tried to make the point that mediaeval kings must be tought in history. Nick Clegg said it was pointless and lest teach kids to manage their finances instead.'

'But I don't care about the poor and their finances. It's not fair! Mediaeval history must be tought! I'm telling mummy that Nick was picking on me.'

And Teresa May's home secretary diary was equally telling.

'I had a meeting with George Osborne today to secure funding for prisons. He is so dishy.'

'I couldn't speak and kept giggling. I love him so much. I wonder if he would let me paint his nails. Oh George how I love you, more even than Harry Styles.'

Psychiatrists have accounted for this behaviour, saying it is caused by stunted development.

'They all spend their teenage years surrounded by other self-obsessed tory teens. Can you imagine a more selfish, arrogant bunch of spotty losers.'

'I need to go and have a wash. Yuck.'
