The Times and The Telegraph have joined forces in an attempt to stop people voting for the SNP.
In an attempt to protect their power base the papers have been making increasingly wild claims about a post-election agreement with the SNP.
'We have discovered something startling' said Geoffrey Head of the Times.
'The SNP are planning on killing every englishmans dog if they get in.'
'And they will make haggis the national dish.'
'And we will all have to wear tartan underpants.'
'And, and, and Alex Salmond will become your dad.'
'Please don't vote for them. We really like all our cash.'
An SNP spokesman was asked for his response.
'English twats.' he said.
In an attempt to protect their power base the papers have been making increasingly wild claims about a post-election agreement with the SNP.
'We have discovered something startling' said Geoffrey Head of the Times.
'The SNP are planning on killing every englishmans dog if they get in.'
'And they will make haggis the national dish.'
'And we will all have to wear tartan underpants.'
'And, and, and Alex Salmond will become your dad.'
'Please don't vote for them. We really like all our cash.'
An SNP spokesman was asked for his response.
'English twats.' he said.