Known humanitarian and all round nice guy Nigel Faridge has sent his superyacht to the Mediterranean to aid in the refugee crisis.

Bought with a party donation from the owner of Wetherspoons, the 40 birth yacht it equipped with its own helipad.

'At a time of crisis we must all do what we can.' said Mr. Fàrågê

He continued 'My yacht will pick up as many as it can carry and take them to safety. In Libya.'

When it was pointed out to Mr. Fąrãgē that they were escaping religious persecution in Libya he said

'Well ok, let the Christian ones come. But any muslims or any jews that might have sneaked aboard can go back. We don't want there non-UKIP voting kind here.'

A spokeman for Medecin Sans Frontier when told of Mr. Fàrågê's comments said

'Whilst we respect his right to his opinions, he likewise has to respect ours. And if the odious little fuck knuckle should fall in to the sea himself at some point we may use him as a life raft.'

'For black people. Muslim black people.'
