Arguments where one side descends into outright insults happen because it gives that person the horn it has been revealed.

After holding a discussion on the effects of supermarkets on town centre's, Ash Kennedy found himself being called a moron, an idiot and 'without intelligence'

'It was hilarious!' said Kennedy.

'The mullet standing opposite me was arguing based solely on feelings with no evidence. As I dismantled his haircut, sorry, his argument, the insults rained down like a shower of shitty turds.'

'And there, in his trousers, the unmistakable bulge of a tumescent willy.'

'A very small bulge, obviously, but there it was. I had to hold back from descending to his level and insulting his 80's throwback hair and maggot dick but I maintained my dignity.'

'Though privately I was laughing hard a what a completely thick, twat faced, Tory voting, Phil Collins loving bellend he was.'