After Apple yesterday announced their newest version of the iPhone, the global leading tech company has announced further products today.

Stepping out of their comfort zone and into food retailing, the iOrange is the first piece of Apple branded fruit available for consumers to buy.

Tech journalist John Burke said 'This is an astonishing piece of kit.'

'It is a spherical Vitamin C delivery device with unique Apple features. Firstly, you can only buy it from iGrocers for £20 per iOrange.'

'If you wish to store it, it will rot instantly unless you purchase the Apple iFruitbowl for only £70.'

'Eating it is easy. Simply remove the skin, making sure to use the Apple iPeeler, or else the iOrange will explode in your face, available for only £30.'

'Then, just eat in manageable chunks and enjoy it. But please don't drop it. Dropping it will make the skin disintegrate from the slightest impact and a new Apple authorised skin replacement and fitting will cost £25, only slightly more than the original iOrange.'

'Also, once consumed, please ensure you eat at least three further iOranges per week else you will suffer from iScurvy within 3 days.'

'Apple would like to point out that, in no way is the iOrange designed to addict it's consumers and make the body fall apart unless further iOranges are consumed.'

'All in all, another winner from Apple that I can't wait to demonstrate publicly that I can afford to buy.'