A teenage boy has taken up live action role playing in the hope of coming out of his shell and meeting girls it has emerged.

Ash Kennedy, 15, from Barrow, has joined the Heroes & Slayers group to widen his social skills.

'I struggle to talk to girls so I thought the best way to go about it is through role play. That way, I can be a character when I talk to them and we can have fun hitting each other with wooden swords. I think I am guaranteed to pull!'

We caught up with Ash after his first LARP

'It wasn't quite what I expected. It seems lots of people had the same idea I had. In fact all of them did. Some of them have been doing it for over 30 years and have still not had any success. Or seen a girl. Ever.'

'Still, I got to stare at their mums when they came to pick them up, so that was good.'