NATO nations have expressed their concern for the build up of Russian forces in Syria calling it 'a cause for alarm.'
Speaking from his Belgium HQ, Nato head Phillipe De Viliers said 'Russia has been channelling it's military resources into Syria for weeks now. So far it amounts to 12 bicycles and an elephant from Moscow Zoo that was due to be put down.'
'This is a real concern. We may have to take immediate action. It is obvious that Russia is in desperate need so we may lend them a few tanks and a couple of planes.'
'Yes, I know, they have men in eastern Ukraine. But it's an embarrassment not only for them, but for us also as we enormously outgun them.'
'So we will help them save face. I have an old service revolver they can have and my friend Gerry has just finished restoring a Sopwith Camel. He would be ok giving them a long term loan.'
'I'll send along one of those Bluetooth operated little drones you can get for your phone too. They will like being able to say they have a drone. And I'll send the phone.'
'It would be hilarious if it wasn't so tragic.'