Todays handy hints guide is without doubt our most useful yet. George Zimmerman pesents his guide on killing someone and getting away with it.

I have always been of the opinion that if you want to kill someone there are 3 key steps to follow that will let you get away with it. This is what I call:

 'The 3 Steps Program: Get Your Gun Off and Have Fun'

Step 1: Pick your victim

I can't recommend highly enough making sure your victim is black. You see, the media and the judiciary think black people are less than human. They are all gang members, drug dealers and basically don't deserve to live. The darker the skin, the better, but to be honest, the slughtest hint of blackness, even if they are 95% white, is enough.

Step 2: Be white

Now, you may have noticed my skin is a little bit olive coloured. You see, racially I'm white. But I do have hispanic parentage. So, I  can just about get away with being white, especially because I killed someone black. White people will accept you as one of their own to defend their gun rights. Right up until you get boring or a nuisance. Then you're just another spic to clean their gardens.

Step 3: Clothing

Wear a suit. It's that simple. Suit, shirt and tie is the way to go. And make sure your victim is wearing low slung jeans so he looks like a thug. Then, walk up to him and blast him. Claim you felt threatened because he is guilty of being black in a white area. And you are home free.

So, now you too can shoot 'people' for sport and have fun. And remember, always use hollowpoints. Finish the job first time.