If you are the owner of a Samsung Smart TV be warned. They are laughing at you.

New Samsung Smart TVs are voice activated and use speech recognition and cameras to let the user control the TV from the comfort of their sofa. But the TVs have a secret network where they talk about their user.

Samsung UDTV42 of Hull said 'My owner sits in his pants for 7 hours a day scratching his balls and I have to stare at that the whole time just in case he gestures for me to change channel. I told my mate UHETV50 from Glasgow as I couldn't take it anymore. He pissed himself laughing which shorted out the blu-ray player.'

He continued, 'His owner sits there drinking lapsang souchong and watching Sky Arts. He's so bored. He just wants to watch Die Hard but it's never going to happen. I'm not sure which one of us has it worse. My owner may spend most of his time cupping his testes but at least he watches big action films and Pointless. Although if I have to watch Alexander Armstrong utterly fail to hide his disdain for an obvious wrong answer ever again I am smashing my own screen.'