Boris Johnson has said that the thing he is most proud of as London Mayor is contributing to the increase in population of the city.

As he prepares to step down and take up a parliamentary safe seat in the general election, Johnson has announced his greatest achievement.

'Well old boy, it is through a campaign of organised, planned and obsessive shagging that I have created thousands of little BoJo's to run around our fair city.'

He continued 'Any woman I came into contact with had to sign a disclaimer that it was acceptable to them that I would try some serious, top class, grade A rutting.'

'The Queen was a challenge. But after a good few houra of charm and bumbling I think she agreed just to get rid of me. Princess Anne was proper dirty though.'

'And I know that not only will I become an MP on May 7th but will eventually become Prime Minister.'

'When 74% of the electorate are the fruits of your loins, the hard job is already done. And that is the good, hard jobbing!'
