The ability of voters in the home counties to make a sound judgment on who to vote for has been called into question.

Asked if there were any circumstances they would vote for a party other than the Conservatives, 97% said no.

'This is a real concern' said Professor Charles Langtree of Felchfield Polytechnic.

'We even gave them nightmare scenarios. The Tories want to sell your first born whilst Labour want to give everyone £1 million just for a laugh.'

'Almost all of them said they would still vote Tory.'

'We think they have either been indoctrinated with hate from birth or need extreme psychological evaluation.'

'I'm a scientist but even I am not ruling out some sort of possession by a big fuck off hell beast.'

'I imagine it would look like Enoch Powell, sound like Maggie Thatcher and have the personality of Grant Shapps.'

'Christ, just think about it! I'm going to sit in a darkened room with 3 litres of whisky.'
