Alan Davies has said his first funny thing after 12 years of QI it has been announced.
Davies, whose sole job, it seems, is to sit there and say the most banal comment that comes to mind, is second only to Phil Jupitus in the league of least number of funny things ever said on television.
'He's ruined it for himself' said series producer John Lloyd.
'He had a good thing going there. Every week he got paid huge amounts of money to say the thing we had all thought of 20 seconds earlier and then laugh hysterically at himself.'
'Now that he has said something funny, he has raised expectations. Can he really maintain this hit rate of a gag per decade? I'm not sure he can.'
'I only hired him as a bet to see how long he would last before the audience demand he was fired. But apparently, bookish middle aged women want to interfere with him sexually.'
'Makes my stomach turn to tell you the truth.'