After Ahmed Mohamed built a digital clock and circuit board from scratch and carried it to school inside a briefcase for safe keeping, all muslim children will be banned access to eletronics it has been announced.

Described as a safety precaution, head of Texas state police, Geoff Smith, said 'We have to protect our citizens.'

'It is dangerous to carry around something that looks vaguely like a movie bomb. Our teacher acted appropriately.'

But how about a better educated teacher who isn't so moronic? And Ahmed is one of your citizens.

'Our teachers are the finest, god fearing, bible believing, evolution denying educators in the world. And yes, Ahmed is technically a citizen. But you know what I mean. The proper citizens. The ones originally from England who escaped persecution. Those sort.'

Oh, the one's whose religious beliefs actually encouraged the persecution of others and were told by the English authorities that that was wrong and they couldn't persecute people?

'Yes, perhaps, escaping persecution or looking for the freedom to persecute. Potato, potato.'
'The point is, just give the Muslim kids an abacus and filofax each. They can cope with them.'