Four police officers from Greater Manchester Police have bren arrested and detained for wasting the time of children it has been announced.

Spending a huge amount of time preventing the kids from their daily routine just to establish what the car siren sounds like, the four officers will face formal charges.

'It's a refreshing change' said 13 year old Ahmed.

'I am usually stopped on a daily basis amd arrested on suspicion of not being white and Christian. Which is fun.'

'But for four hours yesterday these officers held up me and three friends to settle an argument over the siren. It was a blatant display of antisocial behaviour.'

'The fact they did this in the school playground only adds to how suspicious this is. I think they may be nonces.'

'Why else would police constantly be coming to schools to give 'talks' but spend most of their time asking if we would like to touch their helmet?'