JK Rowling, purveyor of the finest boy wizards and the most derivative crime thrillers, has announced she will release her next tweet in two seperate parts.

'I feel that it is necessary to split this tweet to really get to the bottom of its meaning.' said Rowling.

'It is only 124 characters so would easily fit in a single tweet, but I'm splitting it, enhancing it, marketing it and making millions of people hang on the most inane waffle this side of an Dan Snow One Show history segment.'

'Honestly, you're all mugs. It's a fucking tweet. The Huffpost wil make two entire articles from it. The Independent will do a Facebook clickbait story on it. The Daily Mail will find a picture of my cleavage and call me a communist. Then print it.'

'It's a fucking tweet! Or two! Wake up, wank stains!'