A couple celebrating 10 years if marriage by renewing their vows will be attending the ceremony at different times it has emerged.
Ash Kennedy, 37, told his wife Claire that he would join her two hours after the scheduled time.
'Honestly, I had more important things to do' said Kennedy.
'We are absolutely fine. I didn't want the vow thing but Claire did. Seems like a massive waste of money to me.'
'Die Hard is one and then I'm putting the blu-ray of Lethal Weapon on after. I'm having a late 80s carnage fest. I may even throw in Speed. I know, it was 90s. But it's so good.'
'Keanu stabbing a fuel tank with a srcewdriver and not exploding before using a low hanging light to decapitate Dennis Hopper is fucking mental!'
'Claire can say the vows for both of us. She speaks for me most of the time anyway so it will be fine.'