Merseyside Police have apologised for engaging in rape banter over twitter it has been revealed.

Releasing a statement about the conduct of their social media team, Chief Inspector Sir Hugh Ordinary said 'This is not the conduct we expect from Merseyside Police Officers.'

'It wasn't funny in the slightest this behaviour. For that we are sorry. Usually we are far better at making light of such things.'

'Only last week I was chatting with a subordinate in the tea room when a female Inspector entered. We joked away about how she could gladly inspect my briefs. Then my colleague gave her a playful spank of the bum and of she went, crying. Daft bitch.'

'We want to assure the people of Merseyside that standards will rise. Wr have a great piece about PCSOs being paedophiles in disguise.'

'And the Matrix firearms unit will soon be dressing in black uniforms with leather knee boots and skulls on their hats. That's not a joke, just how they roll. Try not to be brown around them if you can.'