Will Self Doesn't Talk Utter Bollocks
Will Self has for the first time in his career written something meaningful and understandable it has emerged.
The self-styled left-wing rebel, who was born and raised in north London, privately educated and attended Oxbridge, has a repuation for misunderstanding the working classes and talking shite.
However in his latest piece he is quoted as saying 'The interminable ascent of the inherited pseudo-posh results in deliverably fewer poor aspirers and risers.'
Despite travelling everywhere with a thesaurus intent on baffling everybody and anybody into feeling like a moron, he has been applauded for saying something meaningful.
Jeremy Pox, socialist commentator, said 'Usually we have to read a thousand words on how he has found an international airport tedious or how driving in traffic is soul destroying. Basically he takes the mundane and everyday and dresses it up in florid language and gets paid a fortune for it. It's the first time he's said something truthful.'
Self, a man who once on camera, and to his face, said to Karl Pilkington 'You're quite ignorant aren't you?' has said 'I apologise. I will return to making you all feel inferior with tales of international travel and easy living and complaining about how boring I find it all. Like the twat I am.'