As students begin a new semester as university and attend armed with the latest tablets, smart phones and wearables, we look back at the top 5 tech tips for students in 1995.
1) Start your Information Super highway Journey.
Once you have been assigned your details to allow you to use the university's computers (called a 'Login' and 'Password') double click the 'Netscape Navigator' Icon. This will give you access to the internet and the World Wide Web. Here you will find information, personal stories, news and pornography. Lots of pornography.
2) Use the Computer Rooms between the hours of 2am and 5am
The jpeg, tif and gif pictures you will be wanting to see can take over an hour to load. They will appear on the screen one line at a time so in order to have a wank, go when it's quiet.
3) Search, Search, Search!
To find your favourite type of pornography, you will need to use a search engine. The best options are Alta Vista, Lycos and Excite. Type in whatever you are looking for, safe in the knowledge you these search engines will return a relevant answer about 8% of the time and then curse that you have to wait 4 years for someone to invent Google.
4) Save, Save, Save!
You university will have granted you some shared network drive space, usually a massive 10 megabytes, or the equivalent of about 7 floppy disks. Here you can save over 30 pictures you have downloaded so you don't have to download them again. That's right, 30. 30! Wow!
5) Delete, Delete, Delete!
All those pictures of Samantha Fox and Lindsey Dawn Mckenzie as 16 year old page 3 girls? Something tells us in the next few years that they will become very illegal and likely to lead to you signing some kind of horrific register. Delete them. Delete them now!