International No Bra Day, in which bras are removed to support breast cancer awareness, is being embraced by the world's men it has been revealed.

Ash Kennedy, and accountant from Coventry said 'I have long been a supporter of breast cancer awareness. Letting the bosom free is actually beneficial to a woman's health.'

'It's even more beneficial if the woman chooses not to put any clothes over the top of the freed breasts. The air circulating is very good for them.'

'And allowing me to massage them, to check for lumps you understand, is also an essential part of No Bra Day.'

'And finally letting me jizz all over them. Because it is beneficial in a number of ways, chief amongst them being, I like to come on tits.'

'Who thinks up these things? I assume men. Because we care so much about the health of women.'

'I'm going to set up 'Rub Your Pussy In Public' day. For cervical cancer awareness, obviously.'